The ND Operating System

Why I Am Willing to Just Give It Away

( Especially when viewers say they will pay over $100 USD for this knowledge?)

Show Transcript

Hey there and welcome to this course, I wanna say first that I am so excited that you're here and I'm so excited to share this with you because we're gonna be going over everything from the brain development to communication challenges to task management and cover things that are going to be new to a lot of you in a way that we've all experienced.

But first, I want to make sure to just manage your expectations, right?

Either you came here because you talked to me directly or saw a post somewhere or clicked a link somewhere and this course is a little bit different than you might expect.

It's a course that's designed for autistics and people with a DH D by somebody, me who has both and I've decided that this community deserves to have this content and deserves to have a resource that they can share with others in their lives or their family or anything like that. They deserve to have something that can explain exactly how and why they operate the way that they do, especially for those that don't have a good understanding of it.

And for those that know somebody who's neurodivergent, you deserve to understand what's going on. So I've decided to make this course free forever. And in order to do that, I'm not asking you for money, obviously, but I am asking you to fill out a couple of survey questions both at the beginning and at the end of the course.

And if you have negative feedback or if you don't like the videos or if you think something's missing even better, please give me the feedback because this is going to be a free product that should fundamentally explain 90% of what's going on in the neurodivergent line. And in order for me to improve that, in order for me to make it better, I need your feedback.

So if you like these videos at the end of the course, you'll also have a chance to recommend them to people that, you know, or people that you also think would like them. And as you're going through the course, you're gonna find a series of videos that in total are less than an hour. So this is very bite sized, there's a set of them. So you can watch, you know, one at a time, watch a few, take a break, whatever you want.

But by watching them, you're finally going to understand the fundamentals of neurodiversity. It'll be the neurology and psychology that causes all the overwhelm and emotional disregulation and uh time blindness and executive dysfunction and all those other challenges and as a bonus at the end, I'm gonna be including um a way for you to get two other resources that will help prioritize better and help solve communication challenges in some of the more practical ways as you're going through this course, depending on how long you take.

You may notice that there's some overlap with the emails that you're going to start to receive. That's right. I'm also including an email series called Five Days To Freedom. It's free just like the course and you're gonna be getting it starting tomorrow.

This email series is also gonna give you practical solutions to the common problems that you're gonna find here in the course and you'll be able to share them, you can forward them to whoever you want. Um they're free. So, thanks again for your interest. Thank you for being so committed to understanding um either how to function better as a neurodivergent person or how to understand a neurodivergent person and it's time to get started.

Let's get you over to the questions.

About The Series

Total Course Duration: 38 minutes, 36 seconds ( Plus about 10 minutes for each survey, if that. )

And… can do it in parts!

This 4-part course is designed for individuals with firsthand experience with autism or ADHD who may not understand the “why” behind the differences in how autistics perceive the world.

The course will provide a deeper understanding of the neurological differences for individuals with autism, and focus on emotion and communication primarily.

In Part 1, the course will cover the role of the amygdala in emotion regulation and how variations in the size and function of the amygdala in individuals with autism can affect emotional regulation and lead to challenges with managing anxiety and feeling “out of place.”Total Duration: 3min 16sec

In Part 2, the course will delve into the reductions of linguistic centers in individuals with autism, how it affects the ability to interpret the communicative intentions of others, and strategies for improving communication and understanding.Total Duration: 10min 05sec

In Part 3, the course will explore the unique ways of thinking and expressing that individuals with autism may need to develop to cope with these challenges, and how it could be a primary strategy for managing anxiety and feeling “out of place.”Total Duration: 6min 8sec

In Part 4, the course will provide suggestions for further reading and resources, and the learners will leave the course with a deeper understanding of the unique neurological differences that individuals with autism experience and how they can be addressed.Total Duration: 7min 17sec

The e-mail lessons include additional resources, your follow-up survey, and practical ways to cope.